This agreement regulates the general purchase conditions of the various items offered on this website for FARRAS SOLE, S.A. CIF A08472243 y con domicilio en Barcelona, C/Madrazo 14, 2º, C.P. 08006 Barcelona (Spain), FARRAS hereinafter SOLE.

CLIENT upon completing the registration process, and purchase any of our products, expressly consents and submits to the terms specified below, and the conditions of access and use of our Website and privacy policy, accessible via the "Legal Notices".

The CLIENT acknowledges having enough capacity to bind contractually.

This contract is permanently available in the legal notices on our website, and can be downloaded in PDF format at the time of recruitment.

1. Prices

In consideration for the purchased product, CLIENT expressly accepts FARRAS SOLE pay the amounts specified at the time of purchase on the price relationship established on the web for the product chosen.

Prices listed based on the product chosen. So prior to confirmation by the CLIENT of your order and prior to payment of the products, screen will appear broken the final purchase price. The final price is the total price of the product including VAT (Value Added Tax) only if the buyer is resident in a Member State of the European Union. For purchases made in other international countries, the final purchase price will be the amount of the part excluding VAT rate appropriate depending on the destination. However, amounts shall be without prejudice to other obligations susceptible rates of fertilizer. Do not include anything that is not specified as included in the description.

FARRAS SOLÉ takes free delivery of parts acquired from a minimum purchase of 300 euros. Otherwise, Shipping costs arising from delivery shall 25 Dollars for products destined for a member country of the European Union, and 40 euros for all other international shipping. The final price, including transportation costs, indicated at the end of the buying process before proceeding to payment.

2. How to buy

Orders may only be made, through the website by individuals over 14 years and societies.

In the "Store" tab on our website all products are listed individually. The procedure for making and managing the purchase will indicate on the website and must only follow the following steps:

  1. Choose the piece and display that has interested him. Through a click will provide an extension of the picture to display the detail of the selected product, technical description, composition, features and price.
  2. When selecting a piece may be added to the shopping cart and you can choose to continue shopping or complete your order.
  3. To process your order, if the first time you access our site, must complete a registration form with your personal details for the purchase procedure. Completed this step, will receive the email confirmation has indicated that registration was successful. Also, have the ability to create a personal account to be a registered user. In case a user is already registered, to continue the process of buying enough to insert the username and password you created on first purchase. The username and password are personal and relate to the person who made the registration process. Through "My Account" you can manage the information that we have and change or update your details.
  4. Then, be necessary to specify an address for billing of the purchase and an address for delivery of the product purchased, although it is possible to specify a single address. Delivery is carried out by the method of delivery of parcel transport.
  5. Once processed the process, shall be marked prior to, a checkbox read and accept the general conditions of purchase.
  6. On the website you will provide mechanisms for you to make a down payment depending on the system chosen in each case.
  7. After entering your payment details, shall confirm the order by clicking the "Confirm Order" button and receive a confirmation email.

The Customer declares to be informed that pictures of products on the website are a rough picture of the goods offered and it is possible that they may differ from the original. The descriptions and illustrations of the products offered through this website is made purely for information.

3. Availability and Delivery

Under normal conditions, all products displayed on our website are in stock and, therefore available for immediate delivery. However, should not be available any item offered, properly inform the client indicating the envisaged delivery of such product. The products offered by SOLE FARRAS are available for distribution in all countries except Spain (mainland, Canary Islands, Balearic Islands, Ceuta and Melilla). Orders will be processed once payment has been received correctly.

As a rule, the maximum delivery time will be seven working days from when we have confirmed the payment order. In the event that the product purchased is not in stock for immediate delivery, be within twenty days. These times are approximate and in no case to binding FARRAS SOLE.

No deliveries will be carried out on weekdays, so it is recommended that the CLIENT us know your preferences for delivery time to fill the order data.

The delivery of the purchased product shall be made by the carrier in conjunction with a delivery order to the address indicated in the order that the customer must sign as a receipt document. If delivery is delayed for any reason, will inform you of this as soon as possible.

In the event that delivery is not possible in the direction indicated by the absence of the recipient, the carrier will leave a receipt indicating how to proceed to arrange a new delivery. In the case that the failure of the delivery is caused by having recorded misdirection, the cost of re-delivery of the order is payable by the CUSTOMER.

In order that at all times you are informed of your order management, is at your disposal in our same website a link to the carrier so you can check the shipping status and track your order. FARRAS SOLÉ not responsible for delays in deliveries of parts purchased for reasons attributable to the carrier.

The products offered by FARRAS SOLE always subject to availability. Should an item not be available offered, SOLE FARRAS will send you an email telling you the delivery deadline.

4. Payment and payment periods

It accepts the following payment methods:

a. Paypal: The transaction is carried out immediately if the purchase process is completed. No more paperwork and once the payment made, is directly places the order and sent for delivery.

b. Bank transfer or deposit account: Payment is made through a bank transfer or a deposit into account number of the entity BANC DE Sabadell. The order will be processed as soon as the transfer is received by it by an interval 24 working hours from receipt of payment, shipment shall be.

FARRAS SOLE has no knowledge of the data on your credit card or bank retains no data CLIENT. All our systems are fully secure payment.

Payments are prior to product delivery, SOLE so FARRAS not provide the requested product to the time you received the payment thereof. FARRAS SOLE reserves the right to cancel temporarily or permanently the services provided, to any incident for the recovery thereof.

5. Taxation

Prices shown on the website include VAT (21%) for the case of supply of goods to customers with shipping addresses within a Member State of the European Union. The final price is the total price of the product including VAT (Value Added Tax) and shipping, if, and will be reflected in the order, in the e-mail confirmation and on the invoice. The prices include the VAT rate that regularly applies to our products in goods to countries of the European Union, although some may be subject to specific variations as to import duties and / or local customs of the destination country as well as delivery rates costing the customer assumes full. Similarly, it is also possible to vary the VAT on the shipping that applies to your order.

Prices of products delivered in countries outside the scope of the European Union will not be charged VAT, although orders may be subject to export duties and / or customs to be determined according to the law of the country of destination and to be applied when orders arrive at the same. Customs estimated expenditure is entered in the price, so the customs terminal expenses would join in the transportation cost and the customer assumes the potential costs and fees for the country of delivery. Shall be borne by the customer both customs duties as managing the necessary steps for payment to the competent authorities.

In no event, returns based on the non-acceptance by the Client of customs fees or applicable export will be accepted.

6. Invoices

When make payment, you will receive your purchase invoice with the shipping product in the address you have indicated to that effect at the time of processing the order.

The CLIENT is responsible for confirming the receipt of the reports and put any changes in our knowledge about their data, SOLE FARRAS being exonerated of any liability by this circumstance.

7. Warranty

All our products and jewelry are 18 Karat. Additionally, in regard to their nature, are subject to strict quality control and are guaranteed with their contrasts. The composition of the product is indicated in the description of the technical data. FARRAS SOLE is not responsible for any effects caused by allergic reactions to components thereof.

The warranty covers any manufacturing defects, design or material, although it will be necessary that highlights the lack of conformity within two months after he has knowledge of it. The warranty covers only defective products. No covers blows, Misuse, or others that are not attributable to a provider or a defect in the product tara. During the warranty period, your choice, the Customer may return the product and proceed to repair or replacement, or you can opt for the refund of the amount paid.

The guarantee document is the invoice, who will receive paper receive the product purchased.

Shipping costs generated by non-warranty returns will be paid by the CUSTOMER.

8. Desestimiento and Returns

Default factory materials or errors in delivery:

Returns or exchanges of parts only be accepted if they have not been more than 7 days from receipt thereof and if it includes the packaging and accessories, and whenever it is found that it is a manufacturing defect or malfunction or packaging and not use, negligent or improper handling or storage. They always accompany the corresponding delivery note or invoice.

These returns also cover the case of errors in the reference individualizes each of our products for purposes of identification or in the amounts or units purchased.

Both in the case of return for manufacturing defect or packing as in the case of error in the order, if possible, SOLE FARRAS will offer repair of the part or its replacement by another alternative at no extra cost and without right, by the CLIENT, any type of compensation. All costs incurred shipping the repaired or correct order FARRAS borne by SOLE.

For other reasons:

The Customer declares to be informed and agree, in accordance with Article 4.5 Royal Decree 1906/1999 on telephone and electronic contracting with general conditions and Article 44 Act 7/1996 management of retail and distance selling, which has a period of seven working days to withdraw all or part of the contracted products, provided that they have not been used, are in good condition and have the original packaging with all accessories and packaging. In these cases, are entitled to a refund of the amounts that would have been paid, but assuming management fees for returning the order that would have generated, if.

In cases where the item has been made according to the buyer's specifications or clearly personalized, Article according to Law 45.c 7/1996, is not applicable to this service the right to withdraw from the purchase.

In any case, the return will always be subject to prior review by FARRAS SOLE product status refunded and verification that the applicable requirements have been met in the present conditions of sale. Upon receipt of the return and if appropriate, refund the amount charged to a maximum of 30 days and in the same terms that were used to make the payment.

FARRAS SOLE reserves the right to refuse returns communicated or sent after the deadline or parts that are not in the same condition they were received.

Refunds will be managed by sending an email to making a description of the reasons and the causes alleged for return. Also, will be necessary to note the name and reference number of the order. Upon receipt of the request, the timely will process.

9. Perfection of the contract and modifications of services

This contract is the product payment and shipment to CUSTOMER a confirmation email with a description of the purchase.

FARRAS SOLE reserves the right to modify in any way the characteristics and conditions of their services, always with the goal of improving and that does benefit the CUSTOMER.

10. Obligations of the parties

FARRAS SOLE is committed to providing the CUSTOMER articles and pieces that have been hired using the utmost diligence in the service, and to look after the maintenance of the necessary facilities for the operation of the network, supplied for this purpose adequate technical and computer equipment, and manage logistics operations, shipping and delivery of the purchase.

The CLIENT agrees to use the services available to them in good faith, without violating the laws of any material or infringe rights of third parties, and the payment of the selected product in the time and manner set out in these conditions of sale and receipt at the place indicated for delivery.

SOLE FARRAS not guarantee the availability of the service object of this contract is continuous and uninterrupted, by circumstances not caused by problems in the Internet, computing device malfunctions and other unforeseen circumstances. So the CLIENT agrees to bear within reasonable limits the circumstances, therefore expressly waives any claim FARRAS SOLE contract or tort for any errors, errors and use of contracted service.

11. Communications

All notices between the parties will be through email. The CLIENT is responsible for confirming the receipt of the reports and to inform SOLE FARRAS any modification of their data, it being exempt from any liability in this circumstance. If modified CUSTOMER must inform of FARRAS SOLE in the e-mail indicated on our website.

In compliance with article 21 Act 34/2002 Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that our commercial shipments and information relating to our website shall be by mail to the e-mail address provided, always revocable. In any case, have the option to reject our commercial communications by sending an email to the address indicating in the subject "Low".

12. Commitment, acceptance and validity of the contract

As indicated in the privacy policy of our website, CLIENT is responsible for providing their data accurately and truthfully, and updating thereof.

The Client acknowledges having read and accepted the legal terms of use and privacy policy of the website.

The CLIENT acknowledges that you understand all the information regarding the products and the delivery service offered on our website, and all conditions and provisions contained in this electronic contract, making claims that are sufficient to exclude any error on the consent of this contract, and therefore, expressly accepts and integrates.

The Client is fully aware that the acceptance and execution of this contract will take place through the provision of data and pressing the "Confirm Order" button displayed on our website and will be refined with the payment service.

13. Applicable Regulations

This contract has commercial character, and shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Spanish laws.

In the event that any discrepancy or difference arises between the parties relating to the interpretation, content or performance of the Contract, not be settled by mutual agreement, both parties may choose to go, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply, the Courts of Barcelona.

14. Personal information

In compliance with Organic Law 15/1999 Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that the personal data you provide to the contracting process and the derivatives of the service, are confidential and will be incorporated into a file of "Management" FARRAS SOLE responsibility in order to provide the contracted items, and transmit business information of our pieces and jewelery, including electronic mail.

Also, inform you that your data is treated internally and applying safety measures regulated by Royal Decree 1720/2007 and are not published or passed to third parties to be used for commercial or promotional purposes.

Anytime oppose receiving our commercial shipments, and exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of their data before FARRAS SOLE, S.A. - Imprint Privacy- C / Madrazo 14, 2º, C.P. 08006 Barcelona (Spain).

Generally, is absolutely provide personal data prohibited of the under 14 years old without the consent of parents or legal guardians.

Attention: These General Purchase Conditions have been updated as 17/10/2013. At any time we can proceed to its amendment, and vary the prices and products offered. Por favor, check the issue date each time you connect to our website and it will be certain that there has been any change affecting that.